Samurai Art Experience
Workshop & Showcase
Berlin, DEC.12-16 12 (水) 16:00-17:00 Showcase
13 (木) 18:00-21:00 workshop
14 (金) 18:00-21:00 workshop
15 (土) 13:00-16:00 workshop
16 (日) 15:00-16:00 Showcase
https://bugaku.net/berlin2018/ ****************************
BUGAKU 武楽 Samurai Art
**************************** detail : https://bugaku.net/berlin2018/ [ WORKSHOP ]
BUGAKU Workshop with Koshiro’s performance -DATE-
December 13th, THU. 6PM-9PM
December 14th, FRI. 6PM-9PM
December 15th, SAT. 1PM-4PM
*You can participate all three days, or can select only one or two days. -Program-
1. Introduction of BUGAKU
2. Explanation of Samurai Armors and Samurai aethetic senses
3. Practice of basic Samurai movements
4. Practice of wooden sword performance and fan dance.
5. Koshiro-sensei shows short BUGAKU performance [ SHOWCASE ]
BUGAKU Performace Showcase
Koshiro Minamoto, the master of BUGAKU, shows BUGAKU Speacial Performance with beautiful costumes,in the exhibitions of Samurai Art Museum!! -DATE-
December 12th, WED. 4PM-5PM
December 16th, SUN. 3PM-4PM [ Venue ]
Samurai Art Museum Berlin
Clayallee 225 D
Eingang in der Villa Clay
14195 Berlin-Zehlendorf
http://www.samurai-artmuseum.com/ [ PRICE & PAYMENT ] / per day
WORKSHOP -participant: 70€ (under12:50€) -audience: 15€ (under12:free) incl. Museum admission fee
SHOWACASE: Museum admission 10€ only (under12:free)
Please pay by cash or credit card onsite when you come to join.
*we accept only cash and credit card (EC card not accepted) [ Application / Inquiry ]
Please mail to berlin@bugaku.com
Website : https://bugaku.net/berlin2018/
We are so looking forward to seeing and have workshop with you in Berlin of Christmas seasons !! ———————————————